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BLOGS 2023 Jan - Job's Wife Feb - Cast Away Feb - Don't! Feb - Stand May - 'Pay" Yourself June - For By One Man's Obedience June - Mary Sat. Jesus Let Her. July - TPM It's Not Dead (aired 2006) July - MOVE! (2002) July - In The Presence of My Enemies August - Broken. Humble. Stewardship of Your Gift. Don't Be A Haman. Sept - Who's Doing The Talking? October - Do We Really Want An Apology? October - Two Faces. October- Come Here October- God Can Make Your Situation So Unique October- It's Not A Miracle, We Just Decided... November - Move To The Front Of The Line November - Glad to Have Nerves November - Prayer December - We've Discussed This Before. December - Healed! December - My Testimony. The End. Last and First Dreams of 2023/24. Dreams & Vascillating on How I Feel About the Issues. 2022 July - Boundaries 2021 June - Resumes' 2020 Jan - Bits N Pieces 2018 Nov - Links to TPM Wearables for purchase. Oct - Mistaken for the side piece. July - I Cor 7:34 - An Observation, not a Command. May - Women, we change the atmosphere. March - Women's History: Black Women Preachers; No More Smallin' Up of Me; Our Greatest Fear. February - Valentines...daily! January - Random thoughts. 2017 Dec - Christmas...don't get too deep. Nov - Happy Thanksgiving! October - That's not worship. August - The devil is a liar! July - Where do you f-i-t? Be Consistent. June - "No" instead of "Go". April - Let them "kill" you. March -Woman, You are good enough. February - What ministry is calling you? January - Woman, Go! 2016 November - Don't be a Jonah. October - It's Time for a new season. September - Youth, here is something you can conquer. Aug - July - Passive/Aggressive Leaders. June - It's hard to leave. June - YOU ARE STILL RESPONSIBLE. (aka How Women Might Miss God.) May - Woman, why are you still there? April - Passive/Aggressive people. March - God will give you His own special pulpit Feb - Rejection can be a blessing. January - Snakes in your life. 2010 Inclusion or Not? Which one are you? 2000 August - Move!/Sometimes You Gotta Leave Home To Be Blessed 1996 January - So what? August - But I Wrought For My Names Sake |
Woman, do you ever feel like a dead tree, even though you know God has filled you with living water and knowledge/wisdom that needs to be shared? Well, be encouraged. Do what's necessary to go from feeling like a dead tree to BEing/sharing the fruitful, flowering tree that God has made you and wants to contiue to make you. Isaiah 61"For the Spirit of the Lord God is upon me;.." Products: |
2024 Dec -Tell It or Not? Dec - Wait! Dec - Letting Go Helps Others. Nov - Let Me In. Better Yet, Don't. Nov - LOUD. Nov - The Line Oct - First, the Eye Roll. Then, the Lesson. Oct - Monster! Sept - (Off the cuff)... Sept - Who Will You Be? Sept. - From Sugar to ... Sept - September Notes... Aug - It's Your Fault. Aug - Bricks Without Straw Aug - Ckean Houses Jul - Stop the Meanness Jul - Why Aren't You Helping People? Jul - Distraction? Jul - Reactions To The Light Jul - Set and Enforce Your Boundaries. Jul - We'll Use It On You, Too. Jul - Too Many Transitions June My Plug-Ins for The Formula Jun - My One-Word Prayers Jun - What's Next? May - Numbers 25. Homework. May - 3 Books Down. 3 To Go. May - The Promised Land For Your Teen. May - Perception or Perspective? April - Then You Win. April - You Made Your Bed. April - God Will Encourage Us To Get It Done. March - Women March - Hosea March - We Don't Have to Prop Up God March - God Will Encourage Us To Get It Done Feb - Peebles Hurt! Feb - The Lion of the Tribe of Judah Within Us Feb - The Road Feb - Keep Your Teeth Feb - Where Does It Come From? Feb - Stuff I Have To Work On. Feb - Dummy Down Jan - Start Right. Jan - Foundations Matter. Jan - Gnats and Camels. Jan - A Rat! Jan - Punishment? Jan - Right? Wrong? Both? Jan - Dreams & Vascillating on My Feelings About the Issues. (edited) Jan - Now, I Know Why. Jan - Leave Joe Alone! Jan - What Would You Title This? Last and First Dreams of 2023/24. Dreams & Vascillating on How I Feel About the Issues. |
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![]() Comment with your story. Feel free to use a nickname. Other social media options are free, but I chose to blog on a website so that you can respond with anonymity and express yourself freely. Television and reality shows make drama look like fun and if you don’t have drama in your life then you are dull and unimportant. I haven’t watched a soap opera in decades, but I remember the drama. Drama doesn’t make you important. Drama doesn’t make you seem rich. Drama doesn’t make you popular….except among people who like drama. It is better to be "boring" and at peace than to always be up in the air about some fake or real crisis, if you have faith in God. Did Jesus go around trying to be in all the drama? No. He knew who He was and how important He was to God - as God, actually. Like yourself and you won’t need drama to feel important! Colossians 3:15. What kind of god do you serve? Men who can hear God tell them to be everything to other people, but swear that God has told them to ignore their own wife or children spiritually, emotionally and/or financially. I Timothy 5:8. When he mistakes the wife for the mistress: He - doesn't want to be seen in public or in pictures with the wife (rather than with the mistress). - when in public with the wife, he acts like he doesn't know her, tries not to be near her (rather than acting this way with the mistress). - won't have sex with the wife because he promised the mistress that he wouldn't (instead of refusing to have sex with someone else because he has a wife). - won't go to events with the wife because he's trying to hide her existence in order to show faithfulness to the mistress (instead of not having a mistress at all). Note: The term "crazy" is not politically correct. Mentally ill/affected is probably more compassionate wording. The use of "crazy" is used in this post because it is a direct quote. People will mistreat you, then look at you sadly in pity as if they don't remember that they did it to you. In 2017, a woman who I don't even remember, approached me and said, adamantly and several times, that "crazy" people don't know that they are "crazy". But, people who change after being called out, even if only for a moment, aren't truly "crazy". They are devilish and intent on purposely upsetting your life/attitude/behavior. They know exactly what they are doing. She was sent by God to let me know something about a particular person in my life. Once you realize someone is not "crazy", give them as little time as possible. Walk away. Pray for their deliverance and knowledge of Christ. Just remember, whatever they do to you goes on their record, not on yours. How you react to what they do to you is what goes on your record. Beware of the deceitful leader who will gain and convince followers that the ones bearing the Holy Ghost are the ones that are demons. Have you ever been in a circle, on a job, or in a family that rejected you and the Word of God? The devil will possess a person - a leader of some sort - and cause that leader to say that you, the saved one/Christian/Holy Ghost-filled one, is the demon. That demonic leader/fake friend/boss/relative and their followers will be convinced and thereby will be led away from Christ without even realizing it. Isaiah 5:20. Who are these people that want you to allow them to bully you because they need to do it to feel and look like they are better than someone? THEN, they get mad at whoever refuses to submit to their bullying and can't understand why people aren't happy to be around them. Now, that's crazy! ☻ How the devil kills two birds with one stone: he makes one aggravate you and then you react in the wrong way, get hatred in your heart, clap back and become a bitter person. The devil got the one he convinced to be aggravating and the one that was being bothered by the aggravating person. Don't wrestle with a pig. You'll both get dirty. NOT: God is husband's/man's god. Husband/man is woman's God. IS: God is woman's God, no matter who else is in her life in any capacity. God does not stamp God's approval on everything a male or husband says or orders because of his male gender. Ladies, don't go to hell obeying a man instead of obeying God. I was taught that when I give something, I should let it go. I should not check to see if they kept it, showed it off to other people, liked, gave it away, etc. Give with no strings attached. That being said, Give the prophesy or word of knowledge and let it go. It's not yours to check back on and harass the person about. It's their mail/message. Deliver it. "Read" it to them. Tell them who it's from. Then, leave them alone. In most circumstances, don't even let them explain to you what it means. Walk away in a way that lets them know that you aren't going to badger them about what the two of you just heard from God about the intimate parts of their life. The hearer needs to be free (free will) to do with it what God intended or not, without us fleshly, fallible humans making them think we are watching and judging every move they make or refuse to make. Never live your Christian life in a way that people think they need to hide from you. Hiding from another human gets you nowhere. GOD is the only ONE who can see all and has the Power to determine one's eternal home. I have met the meanest, angriest, most cussing, screaming-est, most violent people who are seriously religious about fasting for God's will. It is bizarre how horrible people fast about their "Christian" superiority over other people that they look down on. They DON'T know Jesus! Isaiah 58:4 KJV - "Behold, ye fast for strife and debate, and to smite with the fist of wickedness: ye shall not fast as ye do this day, to make your voice to be heard on high." (Note this EXB version! - "Even when you fast, you argue and fight and ·hit each other with your[ hit with wicked/sinful] fists. You cannot do these things as you do now and ·believe your prayers are[expect to be] heard ·in heaven[on high]." Interesting point: A bully who claims to dislike you, will make every attempt to keep everyone's attention on you. You would think that the bully wouldn't want you to get any attention at all. The bully makes sure everyone is watching you - what you're wearing, how you sit, what you eat, how your hair looks, how you work or study, and especially how you react to how the bully points you out. S/he makes others afraid to speak to you and influences the dumb ones to hate you, etc. The bully always keeps the attention on the bullied person rather than trying to keep attention off the person. Perhaps, the bully feels insecure and keeps the attention on the bullied person so that people won't have time to see whatever the bully hates about or thinks is wrong with him/herself. Hmmmm. I learned this from my friend Veronica before 2017: Make your ministry into your job/business, so that when a leader gets mad at you (the woman), wants to belittle you, or needs somebody to "parent", they can't "sit you down" from it because it is your job/business and no one can tell you to quit your job or close your own business. Who are these folk who think they can control a/any woman's life? God uses your left-out/rejected situations to show you and them that you are of His royal priesthood, child of the Owner of every cow on every hill and that you don't need their attention, service organization, plate of food, etc to thrive. God, without need of their help or input, has already made a way for you to do and enjoy whatever He has for you. Ladies and Gentlemen, if he/she needs money from you or a bill paid by you soon (within a year) after having met you, then they are not interested in a friendship or relationship. They connected with you just to get money from you. Thereafter, the relationship, friendship or "mentoring" will always be about money. It's a relationship, alright, but not the kind that is fair, righteous, loving or one that you want. When money corrupts the relationship, let the relationship go. Help your own people. Ministers will spend countless time praying for people at the altar, listening to people's problems on the phone or in person, advising others, but won't lay hands on their own family, listen for a significant amount of time to their own spouses/children/family members. The man complains because she's in her lounge wear with her hair up when he leaves home in the morning and when he returns home at night. She's probably in her lounge wear whenever he sees her because he's always gone before she and most people rise out of bed AND returns home after she and most people are already in the bed. He's the one who's odd. Stay-at-home Moms, don't allow yourself to be condemned for having on pajamas when Dad leaves in the morning and returns at night. Truth be told, you need to speak up and point out that he leaves before the sun rises earlier than is required for him to get to work on time) and stays away until hours past his clock-out time. So, of course, you have on pajamas when he leaves and when he returns. Most people are in bed clothes at those times of the day. If the problem is that he's never home during hours that he could or should be, speak up. Titled church people who call the husband by his title but won't call the wife by her title? To the left. Galatians 3 KJV 26 "For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus. 27 For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ. 28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus. 29 And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise." NOW, some would say that they don't believe the wife (woman), especially, is in Christ spiritually or as it relates to a calling. Well, who are they to determine that? Why do they think they are right in determining or denying what God has called you to be and what someone has ordained you to be? Better yet, try on them what they do to you. Ezekiel would probably love that. God used him to show His people how they looked when they acted in their own authority.
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January 2025