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BLOGS 2023 Jan - Job's Wife Feb - Cast Away Feb - Don't! Feb - Stand May - 'Pay" Yourself June - For By One Man's Obedience June - Mary Sat. Jesus Let Her. July - TPM It's Not Dead (aired 2006) July - MOVE! (2002) July - In The Presence of My Enemies August - Broken. Humble. Stewardship of Your Gift. Don't Be A Haman. Sept - Who's Doing The Talking? October - Do We Really Want An Apology? October - Two Faces. October- Come Here October- God Can Make Your Situation So Unique October- It's Not A Miracle, We Just Decided... November - Move To The Front Of The Line November - Glad to Have Nerves November - Prayer December - We've Discussed This Before. December - Healed! December - My Testimony. The End. Last and First Dreams of 2023/24. Dreams & Vascillating on How I Feel About the Issues. 2022 July - Boundaries 2021 June - Resumes' 2020 Jan - Bits N Pieces 2018 Nov - Links to TPM Wearables for purchase. Oct - Mistaken for the side piece. July - I Cor 7:34 - An Observation, not a Command. May - Women, we change the atmosphere. March - Women's History: Black Women Preachers; No More Smallin' Up of Me; Our Greatest Fear. February - Valentines...daily! January - Random thoughts. 2017 Dec - Christmas...don't get too deep. Nov - Happy Thanksgiving! October - That's not worship. August - The devil is a liar! July - Where do you f-i-t? Be Consistent. June - "No" instead of "Go". April - Let them "kill" you. March -Woman, You are good enough. February - What ministry is calling you? January - Woman, Go! 2016 November - Don't be a Jonah. October - It's Time for a new season. September - Youth, here is something you can conquer. Aug - July - Passive/Aggressive Leaders. June - It's hard to leave. June - YOU ARE STILL RESPONSIBLE. (aka How Women Might Miss God.) May - Woman, why are you still there? April - Passive/Aggressive people. March - God will give you His own special pulpit Feb - Rejection can be a blessing. January - Snakes in your life. 2010 Inclusion or Not? Which one are you? 2000 August - Move!/Sometimes You Gotta Leave Home To Be Blessed 1996 January - So what? August - But I Wrought For My Names Sake |
Woman, do you ever feel like a dead tree, even though you know God has filled you with living water and knowledge/wisdom that needs to be shared? Well, be encouraged. Do what's necessary to go from feeling like a dead tree to BEing/sharing the fruitful, flowering tree that God has made you and wants to contiue to make you. Isaiah 61"For the Spirit of the Lord God is upon me;.." Products: |
2024 Dec -Tell It or Not? Dec - Wait! Dec - Letting Go Helps Others. Nov - Let Me In. Better Yet, Don't. Nov - LOUD. Nov - The Line Oct - First, the Eye Roll. Then, the Lesson. Oct - Monster! Sept - (Off the cuff)... Sept - Who Will You Be? Sept. - From Sugar to ... Sept - September Notes... Aug - It's Your Fault. Aug - Bricks Without Straw Aug - Ckean Houses Jul - Stop the Meanness Jul - Why Aren't You Helping People? Jul - Distraction? Jul - Reactions To The Light Jul - Set and Enforce Your Boundaries. Jul - We'll Use It On You, Too. Jul - Too Many Transitions June My Plug-Ins for The Formula Jun - My One-Word Prayers Jun - What's Next? May - Numbers 25. Homework. May - 3 Books Down. 3 To Go. May - The Promised Land For Your Teen. May - Perception or Perspective? April - Then You Win. April - You Made Your Bed. April - God Will Encourage Us To Get It Done. March - Women March - Hosea March - We Don't Have to Prop Up God March - God Will Encourage Us To Get It Done Feb - Peebles Hurt! Feb - The Lion of the Tribe of Judah Within Us Feb - The Road Feb - Keep Your Teeth Feb - Where Does It Come From? Feb - Stuff I Have To Work On. Feb - Dummy Down Jan - Start Right. Jan - Foundations Matter. Jan - Gnats and Camels. Jan - A Rat! Jan - Punishment? Jan - Right? Wrong? Both? Jan - Dreams & Vascillating on My Feelings About the Issues. (edited) Jan - Now, I Know Why. Jan - Leave Joe Alone! Jan - What Would You Title This? Last and First Dreams of 2023/24. Dreams & Vascillating on How I Feel About the Issues. |
Click the month and year.
#1 Salt With The Sacrifice, written over a span of 2 or 3 years and self-published in 2004, encourages people to get involved in some type of ministry of helps, and is based on Leviticus 2:13
"And every oblation of thy meat offering shalt thou season with salt; neither shalt thou suffer the salt of the covenant of thy God to be lacking from thy meat offering: with all thine offerings thou shalt offer salt." Salt With The Sacrifice is a call to Christians to recognize that although we are under grace, God continues to expect us to offer sacrifices in the areas of our time, talents, and spiritual giftings. Based on Leviticus 2, God also expects us to offer salt with those sacrifices. The salt is that extra part of ourselves that we think we cannot afford to give. In finding and offering the salt is where we learn to keep commitments, die to self, mortify the flesh, purify our motives, and heal our inner man. This is a guide that will help you learn how to get involved in the work of Christ and your local church. #2 Poems For Women: Black Women, All Women, completed in 2009 and self-published in 2023, is mainly about significant other relationships but may describe unavailable parents, leaders or even bosses. These poems fit people in every race, economic group, educational level, country, religion and culture: Households in villages that wear flip flops and work in the hot outdoor marketplace, in cities that live in condos and wear suits to the office, in towns that live in apartments and wear ball caps to the factory/plant/warehouse or uniforms to the medical/restaurant/service industry jobs, or in communities that live in houses and wear dress casual attire to retail jobs. You will find your situation in this book. #3 My Next Pastor, completed in 2012 and self-published in 2024 is journal-like in describing experiences I and others never want to have again with pastors who act badly or against God's will concerning the Sheep/Church Members/Congregants. This book began as a 'Will' AND 'Will not' pattern. Somewhere along the years of writing, I removed the 'Wills'. At this moment, I can't recall why, but I do have the MNP 'Will' pages and will consider publishing...hmmm... a Vol. 2! Purchase Books and Jewelry on: Consider this:
The Promised Land for your high school graduate = College. Upon entrance into the Promised Land, ‘And the people of Israel did what was evil in the sight of the Lord and served the Baals. And they abandoned the Lord, the God of their fathers, who had brought them out of the land of Egypt. They went after other gods, from among the gods of the peoples who were around them, and bowed down to them. And they provoked the Lord to anger. They abandoned the Lord and served the Baals and the Ashtaroth. ‘ Judges 2:11-13 You've promised your children college knowing they will meet people with evil intentions, people not raised in Christianity like they were, people pressuring them to do things they have never done before, situations they need to avoid, and most especially situations they WANT to get into. I've heard parents prepare their new college student with warnings, situations they should and better definitely say NO to, instructions on how to do some of the things they've never done before (like giving them alcohol and teaching them how to realize when they've drank too much), how to fake smoking weed if they can't get up the courage to say NO, how to smoke weed since "everybody is doing it, anyway", how to not get date raped, how to avoid sex, how to have sex and a supply of birth control to go with the conversation, etc. Parents know their kids. They know which one will say NO, no matter what and with courage. They also know which one will be afraid to say NO, and needs preparation for courage or how to come out as least affected as possible. They know which one will want to jump right into whatever is offered as fun and daring. SO, how do parents prepare their children for the Promised Land College without helping them 'worship baal' and baal's not-so-wholesome/downright sinful offerings? The question is, when it comes to teaching their soon-to-be college student how to do things parents know their kids may inevitably partake in, is that the same as encouraging them to worship the baals of the Promised Land called College...with the added instructions on how to do it carefully and not get taken in by the baals to the point of losing their belief in or grip on God? Books on and ![]() During this change in 'seasons', some things are still not seen as absolute but it's getting better! Some: Let X through. X is a senior. Go on, Ma'am. Half way up the line - Others: That's not a Senior. She can wait LOL! Ya'll Seniors (other people) can come up first. A few: Silence. Confusion. Staying out of it. Some: Stand back. Let the 'young folk; do all the work. Others: 'Slow down' and let the others do the most. The Senior: Not a 'young folk'. Thank you AND you are forgiven. Let's all do the work together. ///////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////// Side note: This reminds me of some situations I've experienced. I became aware of it maybe 20 years ago. New 'situations' coming into my/our world (different places/types of places) where there is a problem from which the people can't get relief. When it begins to happen to me, suddenly, I become the ONE they start fighting for because they think or know things won't be changed solely for them but might because it's happening to me (whoever they've seen ME to be). Like "Okay. If you don't think I'm worth changing it for, then change for her because you shouldn't let HER go through this." Well, okay, BUT THEN, I become the one people fight over. The 'Please fix this for HEr' vs the 'What makes her so important that we need to fix it?" groups (By the way, most times, the issues were fixed...for ??me??) Things changed in a couple of situations in different places, yet, when more than one situation happened in the same place, and I was chosen as the one that things should be fixed for, I got fatigued with being the ONE and people tired of hearing about me and of me even, though they knew I didn't start the stuff and was just chosen by the others who were suffering. It became a 'Get rid of her and everything will die down' because we can live with it all happening to us. We'll wait for someone else to come along to hold out in front of us as a reason why the problem needs to be fixed.' My response: Don't cooperate in the strugge so the me part of it will finally fade OR help the others get some self-esteem so they would think they were worth fighting for and get them to fight for themselves, instead of looking for someone they think is "better"/"more in need of justice"/even weaker... Relief! |
January 2025