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BLOGS 2023 Jan - Job's Wife Feb - Cast Away Feb - Don't! Feb - Stand May - 'Pay" Yourself June - For By One Man's Obedience June - Mary Sat. Jesus Let Her. July - TPM It's Not Dead (aired 2006) July - MOVE! (2002) July - In The Presence of My Enemies August - Broken. Humble. Stewardship of Your Gift. Don't Be A Haman. Sept - Who's Doing The Talking? October - Do We Really Want An Apology? October - Two Faces. October- Come Here October- God Can Make Your Situation So Unique October- It's Not A Miracle, We Just Decided... November - Move To The Front Of The Line November - Glad to Have Nerves November - Prayer December - We've Discussed This Before. December - Healed! December - My Testimony. The End. Last and First Dreams of 2023/24. Dreams & Vascillating on How I Feel About the Issues. 2022 July - Boundaries 2021 June - Resumes' 2020 Jan - Bits N Pieces 2018 Nov - Links to TPM Wearables for purchase. Oct - Mistaken for the side piece. July - I Cor 7:34 - An Observation, not a Command. May - Women, we change the atmosphere. March - Women's History: Black Women Preachers; No More Smallin' Up of Me; Our Greatest Fear. February - Valentines...daily! January - Random thoughts. 2017 Dec - Christmas...don't get too deep. Nov - Happy Thanksgiving! October - That's not worship. August - The devil is a liar! July - Where do you f-i-t? Be Consistent. June - "No" instead of "Go". April - Let them "kill" you. March -Woman, You are good enough. February - What ministry is calling you? January - Woman, Go! 2016 November - Don't be a Jonah. October - It's Time for a new season. September - Youth, here is something you can conquer. Aug - July - Passive/Aggressive Leaders. June - It's hard to leave. June - YOU ARE STILL RESPONSIBLE. (aka How Women Might Miss God.) May - Woman, why are you still there? April - Passive/Aggressive people. March - God will give you His own special pulpit Feb - Rejection can be a blessing. January - Snakes in your life. 2010 Inclusion or Not? Which one are you? 2000 August - Move!/Sometimes You Gotta Leave Home To Be Blessed 1996 January - So what? August - But I Wrought For My Names Sake |
Woman, do you ever feel like a dead tree, even though you know God has filled you with living water and knowledge/wisdom that needs to be shared? Well, be encouraged. Do what's necessary to go from feeling like a dead tree to BEing/sharing the fruitful, flowering tree that God has made you and wants to contiue to make you. Isaiah 61"For the Spirit of the Lord God is upon me;.." Products: |
2024 Dec -Tell It or Not? Dec - Wait! Dec - Letting Go Helps Others. Nov - Let Me In. Better Yet, Don't. Nov - LOUD. Nov - The Line Oct - First, the Eye Roll. Then, the Lesson. Oct - Monster! Sept - (Off the cuff)... Sept - Who Will You Be? Sept. - From Sugar to ... Sept - September Notes... Aug - It's Your Fault. Aug - Bricks Without Straw Aug - Ckean Houses Jul - Stop the Meanness Jul - Why Aren't You Helping People? Jul - Distraction? Jul - Reactions To The Light Jul - Set and Enforce Your Boundaries. Jul - We'll Use It On You, Too. Jul - Too Many Transitions June My Plug-Ins for The Formula Jun - My One-Word Prayers Jun - What's Next? May - Numbers 25. Homework. May - 3 Books Down. 3 To Go. May - The Promised Land For Your Teen. May - Perception or Perspective? April - Then You Win. April - You Made Your Bed. April - God Will Encourage Us To Get It Done. March - Women March - Hosea March - We Don't Have to Prop Up God March - God Will Encourage Us To Get It Done Feb - Peebles Hurt! Feb - The Lion of the Tribe of Judah Within Us Feb - The Road Feb - Keep Your Teeth Feb - Where Does It Come From? Feb - Stuff I Have To Work On. Feb - Dummy Down Jan - Start Right. Jan - Foundations Matter. Jan - Gnats and Camels. Jan - A Rat! Jan - Punishment? Jan - Right? Wrong? Both? Jan - Dreams & Vascillating on My Feelings About the Issues. (edited) Jan - Now, I Know Why. Jan - Leave Joe Alone! Jan - What Would You Title This? Last and First Dreams of 2023/24. Dreams & Vascillating on How I Feel About the Issues. |
Click the month and year.
In this process of determining what I want (based on a sermon I heard a few weeks ago), one thing that popped into my mind last week, after seeing like-manner posts, is that I'm not concerned about God preparing a table before me IN THE PRESENCE OF MY ENEMIES. If God wants to, GOOD. Otherwise, I don't care if my enemies see my blessings/wins or not. That's not my focus. That focus might actually lead me to do the wrong things in an effort to make something happen.
Barak had no shame in asking a woman, Deborah, to help him fight.
He had no resistance against God leading him to ask a woman for help. He rode beside her, unlike some who may get directions and ideas from women, then put the women in the background or completely hidden, then walk out the directions and ideas as if they were his own. He didn't seem to despise or reject or degrade in any way - spiritually, emotionally, intellectually - a woman/women. Men who do such seem to puzzle women and other men who can't see how those type men can incubate in a woman and are probably raised by a woman, but disdain and degrade women and suggests that in doing so, they are obeying God. Audio texts pictured. (I listen to the Bible when I'm driving and audio text myself my thoughts about what I hear.) My thoughts when listening to this chapter were that Barak wanted Judge Deborah to go with him because of her wisdom and perhaps her Ministry of Presence. To impart wisdom, one has to speak. How many take a woman with them, probably their wife (Judge D was not his wife. She had a husband.), but expect her to not say a word - just sit and look pretty and look like the man is doing a good job of being a husband. Come on! There are many Baraks who find themselves buddying up with their wife, especially later in life, when everyone else - all their guy friends - are stationed at home taking care of health issues with self or the spouse, raising grandkids, or have just run out of all the energy they had in the past that they expended hanging out with male friends (who also had families at home waiting). They eventually find their 'home' again. Don't we all? In the denomination of my longest experience, when Ministers are called forth or to the conference room, all go.
In other places, even those accepting of women ministers, the accompanying Minister wives/daughters/mothers/etc may be left out and the husbands are assumed to have been licensed/ ordained/titled only or before their wife. The man who insists on bringing his Minister wife in the room with him may be looked at oddly because he's bold enough to speak up or effortlessly include her which to NOT DO is part of being a-s-h-a-m-e-d (Romans 1) to claim ALL of what is relative to Jesus Christ. When Jesus gave up the ghost on the cross, Joseph asked for His body in order to bury it. Some thought Jesus' burial was the end of Him.
In Matthew 25, when the master gave talents to his servants to multiply, one servant buried his talent. Women, how many of you have buried your talent, either out of unbelief thinking if it's hidden, it will go away or out of fear like the servant who buried his talent or probably because you spend too much time helping others. A pastor once reminded me to not neglect my calling by spending too much time helping others work on their calling. (I wasn't neglecting mine, nor was I the source of help to someone else that he surmised I was, but I totally understood his point and appreciated his concern.) There is a gift of helps, but when it is not our specific gift, women still tend to put everyone else first and end up burying that which God specifically called us to do. Then we don't have time left to learn the functions of the auxilary/ministry we have been assigned to lead or study for the lessons or songs we've been asked to teach or sing. Let's not bury our talents in our earthly body by doing someone else's work because we don't think they can do it or because we have spoiled them by helping them so much. Let's do our's first - I know that will be hard sometimes because we want to help and tend to try to get others' things out of the way so we can settle in and do our's...which rarely works - THEN we can enter into the joy of the Lord, not just when we meet judgment after death but also on earth when we stop grieving God's Holy Spirit (Ephesians 4:30). Amen? Amen. |
December 2024