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BLOGS 2023 Jan - Job's Wife Feb - Cast Away Feb - Don't! Feb - Stand May - 'Pay" Yourself June - For By One Man's Obedience June - Mary Sat. Jesus Let Her. July - TPM It's Not Dead (aired 2006) July - MOVE! (2002) July - In The Presence of My Enemies August - Broken. Humble. Stewardship of Your Gift. Don't Be A Haman. Sept - Who's Doing The Talking? October - Do We Really Want An Apology? October - Two Faces. October- Come Here October- God Can Make Your Situation So Unique October- It's Not A Miracle, We Just Decided... November - Move To The Front Of The Line November - Glad to Have Nerves November - Prayer December - We've Discussed This Before. December - Healed! December - My Testimony. The End. Last and First Dreams of 2023/24. Dreams & Vascillating on How I Feel About the Issues. 2022 July - Boundaries 2021 June - Resumes' 2020 Jan - Bits N Pieces 2018 Nov - Links to TPM Wearables for purchase. Oct - Mistaken for the side piece. July - I Cor 7:34 - An Observation, not a Command. May - Women, we change the atmosphere. March - Women's History: Black Women Preachers; No More Smallin' Up of Me; Our Greatest Fear. February - Valentines...daily! January - Random thoughts. 2017 Dec - Christmas...don't get too deep. Nov - Happy Thanksgiving! October - That's not worship. August - The devil is a liar! July - Where do you f-i-t? Be Consistent. June - "No" instead of "Go". April - Let them "kill" you. March -Woman, You are good enough. February - What ministry is calling you? January - Woman, Go! 2016 November - Don't be a Jonah. October - It's Time for a new season. September - Youth, here is something you can conquer. Aug - July - Passive/Aggressive Leaders. June - It's hard to leave. June - YOU ARE STILL RESPONSIBLE. (aka How Women Might Miss God.) May - Woman, why are you still there? April - Passive/Aggressive people. March - God will give you His own special pulpit Feb - Rejection can be a blessing. January - Snakes in your life. 2010 Inclusion or Not? Which one are you? 2000 August - Move!/Sometimes You Gotta Leave Home To Be Blessed 1996 January - So what? August - But I Wrought For My Names Sake |
Woman, do you ever feel like a dead tree, even though you know God has filled you with living water and knowledge/wisdom that needs to be shared? Well, be encouraged. Do what's necessary to go from feeling like a dead tree to BEing/sharing the fruitful, flowering tree that God has made you and wants to contiue to make you. Isaiah 61"For the Spirit of the Lord God is upon me;.." Products: |
2024 Dec -Tell It or Not? Dec - Wait! Dec - Letting Go Helps Others. Nov - Let Me In. Better Yet, Don't. Nov - LOUD. Nov - The Line Oct - First, the Eye Roll. Then, the Lesson. Oct - Monster! Sept - (Off the cuff)... Sept - Who Will You Be? Sept. - From Sugar to ... Sept - September Notes... Aug - It's Your Fault. Aug - Bricks Without Straw Aug - Ckean Houses Jul - Stop the Meanness Jul - Why Aren't You Helping People? Jul - Distraction? Jul - Reactions To The Light Jul - Set and Enforce Your Boundaries. Jul - We'll Use It On You, Too. Jul - Too Many Transitions June My Plug-Ins for The Formula Jun - My One-Word Prayers Jun - What's Next? May - Numbers 25. Homework. May - 3 Books Down. 3 To Go. May - The Promised Land For Your Teen. May - Perception or Perspective? April - Then You Win. April - You Made Your Bed. April - God Will Encourage Us To Get It Done. March - Women March - Hosea March - We Don't Have to Prop Up God March - God Will Encourage Us To Get It Done Feb - Peebles Hurt! Feb - The Lion of the Tribe of Judah Within Us Feb - The Road Feb - Keep Your Teeth Feb - Where Does It Come From? Feb - Stuff I Have To Work On. Feb - Dummy Down Jan - Start Right. Jan - Foundations Matter. Jan - Gnats and Camels. Jan - A Rat! Jan - Punishment? Jan - Right? Wrong? Both? Jan - Dreams & Vascillating on My Feelings About the Issues. (edited) Jan - Now, I Know Why. Jan - Leave Joe Alone! Jan - What Would You Title This? Last and First Dreams of 2023/24. Dreams & Vascillating on How I Feel About the Issues. |
Click the month and year.
Some have the burden of being expected to fulfill the ideas of someone else's desires.
They want you to be an accountant, lawyer, mechanic, flight attendant, usher, tour guide, trustee, doctor, professor, plumber, or politician. Why? Because they are, their Mom was, or the neighbors need to be impressed. You have other plans. You have knowledge that your path is supposed to be different. Pressure. Issues. Arguments. Fights. Frustrations. You may even know they're right about your future, but you want to get there by the route prepared specifically for you. You may agree, but don't want to hear "I told you so" once you understand they are right. You certainly do not want to deal with them taking off at the speed of lightning giving you instructions on how to get where you both agreed you're supposed to go/be/do. The problem? You feel/believe/KNOW that if you allow them to drag/drive you NOW, they will be dragging/driving you for the rest of your life! They'll think everything they think you should do is right since they were right about that one thing! When do you get to breathe? When do you get to live without them breathing down your neck about it? People are so determined to make their life your life...and do it their way...that even if you agree, you dread the coming 'ride'! There's also the self-imposed guilt. You care. You go and do their desires for you because you don't want them to be hurt or disappointed, and all the while going, you're trying to figure out how to 'cut through the bushes' and get off the track to have a moment to yourself and your own thoughts. The solution: Be honest with God. Be determined to do things God's way, no matter what happens. If you're hated, uninvited, constantly reminded that you 'are going the wrong way', be determined to go alone without their encouragement, money, support, presence, time, etc. When we DETERMINE to do things God's way, God comes ready to work with us. WHAT IF God agrees with them about you going the route in life that follows their route? You'll accept it because you've already determined and concluded that you will follow God. God will be there to take you on the route and will inform others that he, not they, chose the route (even if it's the same as theirs) because God is not going to let them take credit for you being who you're supposed to be. God will be there to block/run interference for you, fight them in a way that keeps you out of the hot seat, back you up with what you told them God told you to do, and make them apologize to you for being wrong about the whole thing or about little things they disagree with along your path that God is taking you. Determine you will go God's way. Period! Be willing to take the rejection and the angry arrows. You'll get the blessings and those trying to mold you into what they want will fail and will know they failed and won't be blaming you because they will know God led you. I remember someone telling the story about how he tried to tell his little boy what to do on the football field. His son said to him, "I have a coach." Parents would yell instructions at their kids during the games, practices or at home when studying their sport. The coaches were frustrated. Kids were trying to figure out who to obey, even as they played on the field and heard their parents' voices giving instructions. That little boy's coach (and I'm sure many others, as well) taught his team of little players, "Listen to me. Tell your parents you have a coach." Son, Daughter, Person - Whether you are called to do something different from everyone else or from what is expected or if called to do the same thing, those who have gone before and think they get a say in your future profession, first remember to LISTEN TO THE COACH aka GOD. FB: RCC Thought Provoking Moments
Genesis 37 -Joseph, Son #11, was hated by his brothers. Why? Jealousy. Jacob's favorite son. Jacob made him a coat of many colors, showing favoritism and that Joseph would be a great leader. Joseph had two dreams interpreted as confirmation that he would be a great leader over his family. Joseph's brothers planned to kill him, put his body in a pit, and tell Dad that a beast ate him. Reuben talked them out of killing him, but agreed to placing him in a pit so he could save him later. Later, Judah suggested they sell Joseph to the Ishmaelites. Genesis 37:36 - And the Midianites [used interchangeably with the Ishmaelites; half siblings; same Dad Abraham]; sold him into Egypt unto Potiphar, an officer of Pharaoh's, and captain of the guard. Genesis 39:1-4 - Joseph was taken to Egypt. His master saw that the Lord was with him. The Lord made all in Joseph's hands prosper. Joseph was made overseer over all his master's house. Genesis 41:39-41 - And Pharaoh said unto Joseph, Forasmuch as God hath shewed thee all this, there is none so discreet and wise as thou art: Thou shalt be over my house, and according unto thy word shall all my people be ruled: only in the throne will I be greater than thou. And Pharaoh said unto Joseph, See, I have set thee over all the land of Egypt. Hated Brother. Put in a Pit. Twice Sold. The Lord was with him. No weapon formed against him prospered. Gift made room for him. He was promoted to be second only to the Pharaoh. We've all been a Joseph or Josephine before. Whether a 3yo in day care who was hated because she dressed like a princess every day, a college student who started a small business claiming she or he would one day have one of the biggest companies in the country, a Gospel singer who became known all over the world as the greatest, or a Youth who knew he would rise to be the Lead Usher at church. If we did not let the dream go, we stayed the course and went on to be victorious. We've all been in a group who recognized and targeted a Joseph or Josephine - that one person who stood out, for no reason of their own, by no calling of their own, but by God's doings. Joseph/Josephine: Called to be the best and brightest in the group. Unctioned by God to walk in the door that no one on the other side expected or wanted them to walk in. Called to be the best golfer. Thrust into the role of Club President. Gifted to be the anointed singer. Setup to be the Valedictorian. Selected to be the right hand of the leader. Wearer of the most beautiful natural crown of glory. Winner an expensive car. Offspring of the richest in the land. Anything others deemed glorious that one did not choose for themselves. The characters in Joseph's story: They. Reuben. Judah. The Ishmaelites/Midianites. Potiphar. Question: Of those characters, who have I/you/we chosen to be to the Joseph/Josephine we've met? They hated Joeand wanted to kill Jo with words, accusations, false stories, snubs, misinformation, deceptions, and detours leading them in the wrong direction. Reuben sought to spare Joe's life, rescue him, refute the lies, and restore Joe's character to the lead on the job, department, business, group, teacher, coach, etc. Judah wanted to keep his hands clean but also wanted to be rid of Joe. So, Judah passed the bad words, accusations and lies on to the next group so that group would carry out the hate and he kept blood off his hands. The Ishmaelites/Midianites were fine with purchasing Jo and treating him badly because they believed all the things they were told about Joe. Potiphar comes along and decides to take Joe off the Ish/Mid's hands and treat him like the pleasantly appealing person God has put in his heart that Jo is since the Ish/Mids seem to have had bad intentions for Joe. Apparently, the Ish/Mids decided they didn't have the time/it wasn't in their plan to take on another person to enjoy mistreating at that particular time. Will we be a 'they' and try to kill Joseph's/Josephine's reputation in the office, school, family, social club, study group, college class, Senior Living tower, warehouse, salon, basketball/golf/running/exercise/friend group? Will we be a 'Reuben' and attempt to save Joe's reputation and livelihood? Will we be a 'Judah' and send Jo to someone else to be mistreated? Will we be a Ishmaelite/Midianite and offer to be the bad guy so a Judah won't have to be to one of his own? Will we be a 'Potiphar' who will gather Joe up, with the purpose of making Joe who Jo is destined to be by the company owner, the boss, the manager, the teacher, the Professor, the club President, the community, and God? When encountering a Joseph/Josephine, which character have you been or will you be? Illustration: Books and Jewelry: Why go from peace, moving around almost effortlessly but not carelessly, cooking right, cleaning properly, eating well, and enjoying life,
December 2024